Saturday, August 21, 2010

Physics O Physics (Semi-English vers)

As you guys know, i'm kinda science-minded (or you can say NERD if you want) and science is the only subject i cope up well with rather than the others. Not that I always good scores or I'm good in it, but science provides me such an enjoyable process to gain knowledge, from completely nothing to something. That is the reason why i take all 3 science subjects with me in my elective subject.

Diantara 3 pelajaran IPA, pasti yang punya cerita tuh FISIKA. dari dulu pertama aku kelas 7, sampe sekarang, pasti yang paling berkesan deh. Kesan baik, kesan buruk.. kesan buruk lebih banyak kayaknya? hahaha.

I do still remember how i struggled so hard to understand the terms used in Physics when i first time studied that in grade 7. It was taught in Indonesian, but too many strange new words for me!! I don't even know what 'relative' means at that time. I kept ignoring that weakness, and well.. as a result, many red marks which no parents love it.. you know what i mean :P Since then, starting from grade 8 my mom made me having extra private session at school to catch up. Didnt enjoy that at the first time, at all..! you know how tiring to have your brain forced to work until 8 pm after school. all I wanted to do was sleeping or gaming. haa.. lazy girl :P But soon, like 4-5 weeks after, i started to have that confidence, then slowly can get along well with it, and at the first time i got 100 out of 100, you dont know how happy i was! I still remember it was about electricity, which i wasnt sure it would be easy to get through. Starting from that time, I start getting the essential part of physics : sketch it in your mind.

Time goes by and last time i feel good about physics was when i did quite well in the regional science olympiad. The only physics olympiad i've ever participated in and i made a remarkable result, how exciting! But there was also a time when it was exciting enough for me but not for my friends :( Once I had an exam and i was the only one who got 100 out of 100 and almost the whole class didnt pass it, i was in grade 10 at that time. so sad hey :(

But now, things seems to be back to its origin. again. I have to adapt with the LANGUAGE (arrgghh why why why? Physics is supposed to deal with numbers but i always get stucked in the wordssssss!!). So lucky i have a very caring teacher. He understood that i'm a slow learner in this case and i have to adapt with a new learning system too!

Everything here is all online-based. The book, the assignments, even the schedule! My teacher is soo high-tech minded i guess. He uses sources what other teachers dont do, actually i must say his system is very interesting!! but ohh.. i forget to mention this, we don't have a specific lab room for experiments, we use the class both for lab and studying. but you know what? the sets are just awesome!! like i said, very hi-tech! ga ada ceritanya bikin laporan tulis tangan euy.. aku masih inget jaman2 nggarisi marginnya kertas buat bikin laporan. hahaha.

Jadi, tiap anak disuruh download template untuk laporan tiap2 praktikum. enak bo' tinggal ngetik masukin data.. trus alat2nya juga terhubung sama USB jadi udah terekam langsung ke dlm template file itu. Bahkan, perhitungan kurva2 pun udah dia (softwarenya) yang ngitungin..! weenak tenaan.. :P Pengumpulannya lewat flash disk ke server yang udah ada di sekolah. Go green banget ya, less paper used nah? :)

So far itu dulu yah yang ku ceritain.. it's way too late here! i should sleep anyway :)

good night..
i mean.. good morning!

Brisbane, August 22, 2010
00.15 am

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